A šta je sa istorijom razvoja dodatka? Nastao je od JOSM skripta.
Easy buildings - u jesen 2016.
Priznanja: Meni.
Bio je to prvi pokušaj da se izborim sa svojom lenjošću. Cilj je bio da baratam sa svega nekoliko klikova i jednim pritiskom na tastersku prečicu. BuildingsTools je služilo svrsi za kvadratne zgrade ali ne za kružne (a ja ih ne kopiram pa da ih onda razvlačim jer je i za mene to preteško), kao ni za stambena područja.
Odabir naselja - 28.3.2017, SVĚT-HUB
Priznanja: @Piskvor
We discussed Easy buildings that was not usable for @Piskvor because it does not fit to his workflow. However, he proposed some script that would make residential area around buildings on the screen. Not exactly what he wanted (buildings have to be selected before script run) but better than nothing.
Batch buildings - 2017-09-26
Priznanja: @marxin
This feature fits to @marxin’s workflow - just click as many buildings of same kind as possible. It works for batch of circle buildings and for batch of orthogonal buildings. Backward compatibility ensured and it was not such big pain.
What is new with this feature is that collaboration on github slowly establishes.
Dodatak Mapatonac - 24.4.2018.
Priznanja: @marxin
We discussed @marxin’s contribution to JOSM that was accepted (hurray!) and the conversation goes around if the JOSM scripts could be rewritten to Java and pushed upstream also. However scripts are pretty specific so I decided to develop JOSM plugin instead.
I named the plugin Mapathoner after 3 days bad sleeping thinking about the name. I wanted to avoid direct connection to HOT or Missing Maps because of potential legal issues. And in fact - the mapathons are where we thought and discussed the scripts, where the scripts were born. Where the Mapathoner plugin was born.
Jezici, 6.6.2018.
Priznanja: @floscher
A lot changed during last two days. Anywawy, the project has moved to GitLab. Thanks to @floscher, who points me out, I set up automatic builds. And, again thanks to @floscher, Mapathoner is part of JOSM on Transifex now.
Izgrađeni objekti „u L“ - 5.6.2018, Pracovna
Credits: disastermappers heidelberg member whose name I’m trying to find out
Just after successfull presentation of The Czech Contribution to Missing Maps that contained translations of Missing Maps web page and Highway Tag Africa, JOSM patches and the Mapathoner plugin for JOSM I discussed improvement of the Mapathoner with that guy from disastermappers heidelberg. Well, it takes too long to create L-shaped building! Or, in fact, it took.
Odabir naselja ponovo - 7.5.2019
Priznanja: @Piskvor
Well, it took a little bit longer than it should. Most probably because I think it would not be easy. But why it shouldn’t be? So, now you can make residential area around buildings on the screen. No need to select them any more!
Duplirane i neortogonalne osnove objekata - 28.10.2020.
Priznanja: Mike
I am aware of the JOSM-Scripts. And I was always thinking of how cool would it be if the JOSM-Scripts are merged to the Mapathoner plugin. Since now, we will see.
I was a little bit shy when I proposed this merge. There was no reason. The reply from Mike was kind, and he reviewed and fixed (rewrote, I should say) my naive implementation based on his code.
Osnove objekata koje nisu kružne - 25.10.2022
Priznanja: Martien, Peculiar Theater i Taylor Smock
It started with Martien reporting bug in “Select Non Orthogonal Building” action. I fixed it with the help of Taylor. Unfortunately, I changed the default preferences. Shame on me. I know I am still learning the maintainer role, but these things must not happen.
There was a discussion about the “angle difference” problem in the
channel I later joined. I
noticed Peculiar’s josm-cripts and get inspired by it to implement “Select Non
Rounded Buldings” action.
Around that time, I also refactored the mapathoner page a bit and moved the project to